Newsletter Archive

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Jesus Come Between Me and Difficult Words, Images and Events of My Past
I had a previous client who had been involved with a secular therapist and was going over all the trauma without the truth and power of God’s Word. Misplaced anger at God was blocking their ability to hear His still small voice. According to scripture, our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers (2 Corinthians 10:3-7). We must remember we have authority over all the powers of darkness and they shall in no way harm us (Luke 10:17)
Jesus Come Between Me and Difficult Word[...]
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Many Believe They Are Saved - Fig Leaves vs. Animal Skins
Some learn of, and trust In Jesus Christ early in life, some later in life, and some on their deathbed. But most will reject or neglect salvation (relationship with Jesus Christ) altogether according to scripture. (1 Peter 4:7, Matthew 7:13-14, Galatians 4:6) full verses are below. The most important decision each of us must make in life is to accept God's invitation to live eternally with Him.
Many Believe They Are Saved.pdf
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To Not Forgive Yourself - Rejects Christs’ Sacrifice
A man called and told me he felt he had slipped and needed help again. A 10-minute phone call revealed there was revisited bitterness of past forgiven hurts causing new pain and mistrust. Worldly advice had been given to them and they were seeing their situation as complicated and somewhat hopeless. With a simple explanation of Biblical truth and 35 minutes of focused prayer, they were back in the right relationship again, each had received their best friend back again! This was an inspiration for the body of this newsletter.
To Not Forgive Yourself - Reject s Chris[...]
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Factual Concerns For Today
We’re actually in a battle for our freedom against socialism or communism, my dad knew information 40 years ago on subjects like “New World Order”, IlumiNATTI, and the Trilateral Commission. A (digital/cyber/biological) war thus far looks different than past wars with soldiers, guns, tanks, airplanes, ships and missiles. Evidence indicates multiple nations along with treasonous domestic players were involvedin our elections in past years but most evident was Nov of 2020.
___Personal Letter From Brad Reinke.pdf
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Dwell in The Secret Place in a Season of Confusion
This year of 2020 is much different than any other in my 66 years. May I share with you what I am learning? What does it mean to dwell in the secret place of the most high. ~ PS 91? Can we leave that dwelling place? Then how do we return again to that secret place of safety? “Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, Philippians 4:6 AMPC
Dec 2020 - Dwell In The Secret Place In [...]
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Prayer Tools to Release & Forgive
This process does not excuse the one(s) who hurt you or condone what they have done.  Your choice to forgive doesn’t in any way just “let them get by with what they have done”. Instead this forgiveness focuses on you letting them off your hook and leaving them on God's hook, to deal fairly with them. Matt.18

My greatest concern is to give you the prayer tools to end your pain today, even this hour, or at least before the sun goes down, and every day from now on Ephesians. 4:26-27. Your decision to forgive is solely up to you and is an issue between you and God, not you and your offender as many believe.
2019 Nov Whole Families Prayer Tools To [...]
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Do You Reject Your Design
If you loath your gender, one or more of your physical features, one or more of your God designed unchangeables you disrespect your designer. This can isolate you from God and keep you from hearing His still small voice, which can lead you to misbelieve He has abandoned you. In reality you are the one who has abandoned him & his presence as the Prince Of Peace.
When you fully understand God’s value of you and learn to esteem yourselves to His standard, then, you can overcome or avoid the pitfall of what is termed self-esteem. This is the overestimation or underestimation of self.
2018 Dec Whole Families Do You Reject Yo[...]
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Bait Satan Uses To Trap Christians
Many Christians feel justified in taking up offenses or remaining offended, it’s a sin and the enemy’s trap. Look closely at the deadliness of becoming offended here in Luke 17:1.
Scripture: “Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!” Luke 17:1 NKJV

This Bait/Trigger of Offense is One of Satan’s Favorite Traps
• It is used often in the body of Christ! He will try to get a scandal or divisive gossip started and then tempt individuals to take the bait and become offended.
• Used in marriage as well.
• A well known military tactic is; divide and conquer. Satan knows it also.
Offense is one of the enemy tools to cause division.
• When you stumble, become offended, or bitter you are then caught i
2018 March Whole Families Newsletter 3.p[...]
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Christ In You Adores Your Spouse then What in You Would Not Adore Your Spouse
The Holy Spirit in you adores your spouse, father, mother....etc. but He does not adore their sin (only the sinner). If the Holy Spirit in you adores your spouse then what in you would not adore your spouse. Whatever in you does not adore your spouse is unholy and must be removed.
2017 Feb Whole Families Newsetter.pdf
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Just a Little Thing - Some False Beliefs Many Believe - Part 2
A husband or wife do not answer to each other for their behavior towards the other. All repentance must answer to the One who died for sin, Jesus Christ. We each belong to God as Christians before we belong to each other.
Oct Wholefamilies Newsletter 2.pdf
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Just a Little Thing - Some False Beliefs Many Believe
When the Word of God is applied/obeyed it brings with it life, peace and limitless power. A seemingly small thing can cause a lot of pain. Bitterness/unforgivness is one of those things we may think is small, but there are major misconceptions believed by many, it's a slow process, it's ok to bring up the past, I must see change or repentance in the person who hurt me before I forgive etc.
Oct Whole Families Newsetter.pdf
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Encouragement for the heart late 2013.pd[...]
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Encouragement for the heart 4.pdf
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Encouragement Dec 2012.pdf
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Encouragement March 2012.pdf
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Encouragement 2011-1.pdf
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Encouragement 2010 PDF.pdf
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Encouragement 2009 PDF-1.pdf
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Encouragement 2008 PDF.pdf
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