As an assistant to the pastor, church, Christian individual, or couple, we are not as interested in the sin that people are involved in as we are the pain that they are covering with that sin. Not all sin is caused by pain. The three sources of pressure to sin are the devil, the world, and our flesh. If we just deal with the sin issue and do not care about the pain being covered there cannot be a lasting solution. Whole Families is committed to understanding the pain of each client in a very personal and private intensive multi day setting. We will care about that pain through the miracle of inviting Jesus into each part of the pain and asking Him to heal the pain, and bring peace to where the pain once was. Having dealt with the pain in this way there is no more need to cover the pain in sinful ways such as bitterness, sexual sin, Pride (self-pity) drugs, alcohol, or hypocrisy (living a lie).
We then assist in a word for word prayer prayed out loud and in the counselor’s presence, repenting of each sin to have a clear conscience before God and men, to put the enemy on notice of that
repentance and give the client a witness against the accuser of the brethren (Satan). Our goal is to continue to assist the client to maintain the lasting peace through their life and teach
every part in such a way that they can apply the principles themselves and teach their world those principles from their experience. We endeavor to provide this at no obligation to the client. Those
that believe in the limitless power of God to solve human problems faithfully support this ministry and also those friends who have received help and want to help others receive that help.
Click on each type of counseling services for more information:
Individual Counseling
Parent/Child Counseling
Couples Counseling
Some of the happiest people on earth are those that can serve others without thinking of themselves while they do so. The reason that we cannot serve in that way is usually because we are in too much emotional pain ourselves. Because of that hurt we start to focus on ourselves either; because the pain is too great, or we try to keep ourselves safe from getting hurt even more. From this self-focus we have a hard time even seeing anyone else around us much less the problems that they need help with.
The true help in counseling will get the hurts, guilt, self-hatred, and condemnation dealt with. We will then we able to notice and give of ourselves selflessly to that hurting world around us made up of our spouse, family, and those close to us. Only then can we experience the joyful fulfillment of a life of service.
First Things First
As we seek the order of the process of counseling, the first and most important issue to be looked at is the issue of emotional pain from past to current. Pain or the need to keep from having that pain added to in our lives then causes some of the problems that become insurmountable leaving us in a quandary or numb as to where to go, or what to do from here.
As this is taking place this counseling is also teaching complete dependence on the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and His promptings and not dependence on the counseling or counselor.
Then the Rest
As the emotional pain is being understood, as explained in the previous paragraph, and in the events that caused it, we will then dispense of guilt, shame, condemnation, heaviness, self-hatred, bitterness, accusations of the enemy, and feelings of worthlessness. This counseling with the guidance of the Holy Spirit must bring in these issues to finish doing business with your creator and invite the completeness of peace to the clients’ heart.